Dear Anya,
Happy fourth birthday! You are such a blessing to our family, and what a beautiful little girl you have become. You have a heart of gold and I cherish all of your sweetness.
This is your last night as a 3 year old...I think you look (and talk) older than 4.
We made #4 pancakes for breakfast. This year we were excited to share this tradition with Gigi and Papa in their house. Your favorite part is putting the sprinkles on top!
Aunt Katie did a little dress up & hair time with you before we went to church. She even put glitter in your hair and a little lip gloss on you...gotta love Auntie Kates! I think you look like Rapunzel;)
This year you told me you wanted to pink and purple princess party so I made it as princessy as I could! Lots of Disney Princesses!
Another tradition is taking a picture of us at 4:44pm the time you were born.
You love your new Tinkerbell dress and wings from Aunt Katie!
This was your favorite part...eating your cupcakes!
It was on and off rainy and we did a little running in the rain;)
A week later Papa came home from rehab and we celebrated with him. I'm sad he's not in the picture!

Anya even opened some presents from Mama. (This is a blog post all in itself). For Anya's baby shower and earlier birthdays she gave Anya this crayon apron that her mom made, along with this princess crown, and a beautiful necklace. I've held onto these gifts because a part of me knew there would one day be a birthday for Anya when Mama wouldn't be there :( I knew I'd want to give them to Anya when they would have even more meaning as a young girl rather than a baby. So these gifts sat wrapped up in Anya's closet for 4 years. I know that sounds sad, but it's true. That's how she always lived knowing she might not see us the following birthday....and I think that's why she gave Anya a tiara when she was a baby. The necklace she gave her says "To my precious granddaughter, I will love you today, tomorrow, and forever." Now about the crayon apron. She had given it to Anya at my baby shower with a card that she bought to be from her mom, who had passed away 3 years before my shower. I saved the card and it was written beautifully from Mama (posing as her mom- so Anya's great grandma) It said "Tell Anya I'm watching her from Heaven and that I love her. I can't wait to see her wear the crayon apron." It was amazing to see that written in Mama's handwriting. Needless to say, we were all in tears.

(Anya's wearing a fire fighter badge because she choked on her breakfast this morning and I called 911. Very, very scary!! The Heimlich Remover did help but she was still acting very strange so we called 911 just to be sure she was ok. Praise the Lord she was fine and was very brave.
We had a little park birthday with a few of Anya's little friends. Ha! It was a princess party that all of her little boy friends came to. Good thing they are all easy going!
Anya I love you so much! I can't believe you are 4 already. It happened over night. You have grown into such a sweet little girl!