Saturday, May 14, 2011

Anya Violet's Birth Story

On Monday, May 2nd Anya was so active.  She is normally pretty active at night, starting around 7:00pm but this night was different.  Her movements were so startling that I couldn't fall asleep and they were causing me pain.  I was lying in bed when I realized I wouldn't be able to fall asleep because she was moving so much. At about 10:30 I decided to go into her nursery and rock in the glider chair to try to rock her to sleep.  As I rocked I reflected upon my day.  I realized I had spent little time in prayer that day, if any time at all, and even felt that I was acting as though I didn't need God.  I prayed and told God that I trusted Him with Anya's birthday.  I confessed that I think at times that I can do life on my own without His guidance and strength.  What a lie that is!  I told God how desperately I needed Him and how I can't do this on my own!  Getting right with God felt so good that night.  I needed it.  After rocking a little while longer I headed to bed, as her movements started to calm down. 

At 1:50am ish I woke up with bad heartburn (strange since it had been gone for like a week) so I took a tums and put my head back down on the pillow.  Then it happened out of water broke.  I smacked Josh and instantly yelled "JOSH!  My water broke!" It scared him out of a dead sleep.  He asked if I was sure it was my water breaking.  I told him I've never been more sure of anything in my life!  We got changed and made sure to grab some of our last minute items (somehow forgetting all of Josh's tolietries). I wanted to rush and get there asap.  Josh wanted us to take our time and make sure we had all we needed and were ready.  I called the dr and told them the news and we were out the door.  I made sure to capture as much as possible on video.  It was great!  Total clarity that it was time!  Indeed she was waiting for the tulips to bloom.  It was such a blessing with Josh being home when it happened, plus NO traffic to the hospital:-)
We checked into the hospital aroung 3am and walked to the delivery room.  I didn't want a wheelchair- anything to speed up contractions.  At this point I was having contractions, though nothing strong. 
We walked to the room, I changed into the gown and they started the monitors, IV, and got us the yoga ball.  Josh set up the laptop and started to play my favorite Christian radio station.  I made sure to stay active and used techniques from our lamaze class.  At 6 Dr. Salis came to check on me and reported that I was already 6 centimeters!  At 7 there was a shift change and I totally lucked out.  The nurse that would be assisting me during labor was the same nurse that helped me during my 28 week visit!
The doctor that was on call was Dr. Beall, whom I love because she's totally tough love.  When Dr. Beall checked my progress she said that I was probably 5 cm.  I was trying not be to discouraged, but was glad I made progress from the week prior.  At that point my contractions had not started to pick up, so Dr. Beall started me on Pitocin around 9am to speed this up.  Pitocin started at low increments to make it as natural as possible.  Around 11:00am I started "real labor".  Contractions were strong and coming at regular increments. It was amazing at how quickly time seemed to pass.  Josh was such a great coach...reminding me of what we learned in our Lamaze class.  He encouraged me to change positions (a benefit to not having an epidural).   I loved using the yoga ball!!  My father-in-law bought me a flower arrangement and I used the flowers as my focal point for some of the contractions, using my sense of touch on the petals to distract me from the pain.  My back started to really bother me once the contractions started tp pick up.  Josh used massage to help ease the pain... it didn't help too much though.  The nurse thought Anya was sunny-side up so she had me get on my knees on the bed and lean on the head part of the bed (bed was sitting upright.)  This was the most intense part of the labor and I could tell I was in transition because it didn't seem like I had a break inbetween contractions and my breathing was a lot faster.   Josh coached me to do the breathing techniques we learned "ah-hee, ah-hee, ah-hee, ah-hoo".  I remember in the midst of the pain telling myself it was natural and good pain I was feeling.  I told God I needed His strength because I couldn't do it on my own... I am too weak.  I studied some words printed on the frame of the bed.  Everytime a contraction would start, the most difficult part was getting through the first two rounds of breathing.  Josh would remind me to keep my body relaxed and that the contraction and pain would soon pass.  Once the peak of the contraction was over I remember being so happy a break was coming.  Josh would tell me to enjoy my break:-)  I remember getting a contraction where I felt like I needed to push.  I told Josh to tell the nurse.  He said let's wait until the next contraction.  When the next contraction came I felt the same urge so he went to get Michelle my nurse.  She checked my cervix and sure enough I was 10 cm and ready to push!!! I was so happy!!! It took me awhile to get actually understand when and how to push.  In the beginning of pushing I was using my legs and face too much.  The nurses and Josh reminded me to relax my face and legs as much as possible and wait to push until the peak of the contraction before I start to push.  Once I understood what I was supposed to do, pushing was so natural!  I could tell when I was making progress because abdomin would instinctivly push down with the contraction (if that makes sense).  After 1 1/2 hours of pushing I finally felt the burning ring of fire!  Most people dread the feeling and say its very painful.  I was super excited when I felt it because I knew that Anya was almost here!  The nurses, doctor, and Josh got into their scrubs and I knew she was coming!  The doctor was shocked to see how big she actually was.  Once Anya's head and one shoulder were out, Josh was able to catch her and place her on top of me!  She was precious!  It was so surreal.  We waited a little bit for the cord to stop pulsing and Josh cut the cord.  I tried nursing her right away and then she was taken to get weighed and washed.  I remember not even being able to focus my eyes because I was so worn out.  I felt like my eyes were crossed from all of the pushing!  Josh was next to her during this, meanwhile I was delivering the placenta and getting stitched up... told you she was a big baby!!  I was so happy that I was able to do a natural, no-pain/ no epidural delivery!  I felt like I accomplished something my body was designed to do!  I plan to do this with all of my babies.  It was very rewarding!!  \

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