Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dear Anya, Happy ONE month!

Dear Anya,

I can't believe that at this time last month, we had just met you!  You bring so much joy to our life... so many smiles, good tears, and laughs!  You bring so much joy to your grandparents life...they love you SO SO SOOOO much.  Auntie Katie, Auntie Cindy and Uncle Tony love you as if you were their own child.  Anytime I ask any of them to take you and hold you for a minute, they never hesitate!  Even if it's only for a second...it's so cute!  They would do anything for you.  But guess who loves you the most???  Jesus!  It's hard for us to believe and even picture a love greater than what we have for you.  But He loves you even more than we ever could. 

This month has been a roller coaster ride for sure!  You are starting to sleep better at nightime, and we've even started a routine that is working for us.  Daddy has the first shift and mommy has the second until morning.  The past week you've only woken up once at 2am-3:30ish.  And then again at 6am for feedings.  Summertime is coming and the sky starts to brighten as dawn approaches early at 4:30. 

You become more and more beautiful everyday!  Mommy loves watching your deep blue eyes as they look around to explore the world around you.  We've seen much more of these beautiful eyes in the past 2 weeks.  We can't totally tell whose eyes you have yet.  Your little button nose is still so adorable and takes after daddy for sure!  We could watch your face for hours on end as you entertain us with your many different expressions...going from serious eyebrows, to full smiles-revealing your dimple on the left cheek, your Popeye grin, to your poop face (you'll be so easy to potty train!), to your sad curled lip.  We have memorized all of your noises, grunts, yawns (they are loud!), stretches, and cries & know what most of them mean!  You are so easy to read! 

Things that make you happy:
-sitting up to burp
-pats on your back
-your swing and water noise it plays
-when Grandma H sings to you...you were humming with her!!!
-pooping on daddy's lap
-being fed

Firsts this month:
-bottle given by daddy...you chugged it down & looked so content as you looked into daddy's eyes and closed into dreamland. 
-little giggle while dreaming....it's so cute!!!
-walk in the stroller
-medicine- you have acid reflux
-trip to church...we've made it every week since your birth!  You sleep the whole time! 

Funniest moment this month:
- When you pooped on daddy's lap while we were recording a video for cousin Henry and Meagan right after we told them you always poop while daddy holds you.
 Anya I love you so much!  I cry when I think about how fast time flies.  Please don't grow up too fast!!  For now I will cherish every snuggle and the fact that you can sleep in my arms as I blog, and laugh at every spit up stain. 


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