1.) Live more simply. The Nilsson household has already cancelled cable, Netflix, and smartphones in order to focus on the things in life that are truly important (and to save some money!) Living simply means living with less and being satisfied with all that I have. Living simply also means to enjoy the little things in life...watching the birds outside, making homemade bread while wearing my apron, snuggles with Anya, sipping Josh's yummy peppermint mochas (he makes them perfect!)
2.) Blog more, facebook less. I done well with blogging more this year, wouldn't you say? I do still check facebook from time to time to see updates on my pregnant friends and updates from Cindy. Journaling on my blog is a wonderful way for me to capture and remember each moment with Anya!
3.) Less material, more quality time with loves. This kind of ties in with resolution number one. I guess I just want to stress that I want to find value in people and relationships, not in what I own or want. Along with this I plan on shopping a lot less and using my crafty/ creative-side more often!
What are your New Year's resolutions?
Great resolutions!! I also would love to start living more simple and definatly have seriously considered getting rid of facebook! Good luck with all these!!