Thursday, March 22, 2012


Wow, what a morning! Today started off as an innocent play date with some friends from church. Since the weatherman was wrong and no rain was coming we decided to head to a "nearby" park. Well, actually that park wasn't so nearby. On the other side of the community, to be exact. And we brought little boys who had to walk/ride do the math. Enough said.

Anyways, I decided to bring along Charlie Bear, feeling guilty that he would be crying at the back window as he watched us walk on down the bike path. He's a lazy dog anyways,he'd probably just sleep under the slide in some shade at the park...or so I thought.

Okay, on with the story. So we arrive, at the park finally, and I realize the park is gated, so I decided to let my sweet goldie off his leash to run around a bit. When you live in a townhome you take advantage of moments like this to let your pup run free.
We get there and one of the little guys says "Mommy, I need to go potty." Mind you we are 2 miles away from home. I know you totally saw that coming, didn't you? Let's just say the bushes were fertilized. Meanwhile, Charlie decides he isn't a dog but a playful child and runs up to the top of the playground and jumps off the top of the slide. From there he jumps up onto the picnic table where I then see blood. Lots of blood.
My crazy dog gets a little too excited when he's at the park with his little friends. I realize whatever he did to his paw it was bad. I poured water on it and it continued to bleed. The other boy by this point had peed his pants. I tied C-man up and leave Anya at the park with my friends so that I can run back to the house and get the van to take him to the vet-Blessing #1. I start to run away and realize I don't have my car keys. I remember thinking how relieved I was that I noticed that before I got home. Then I start running while calling the vet. Or I should say trying to call the vet. I got a new phone yesterday...figured out how to use it in an emergency is so much fun!!!;-)

So I run home, cutting through yards to make the 2 mile walk faster. All the while picturing hyper Charlie bleeding all of the park. Not cool. I get home only to see that my friend's cars are parked in the driveway blocking my van inside the garage. How was I to get it out? Run all the way back to the park and get their keys, and then run back again? So I decide to go to my AMAZING neighbors house who seriously deserves a trophy or something. She gives me her keys and tells me without hesistation to use her car- Blessing #2. I grab some bags and paper towels to wrap up Charlie's foot and head off to the park.

By the time I got there his bleeding was starting to clot...thank God because I didn't know how I would get him to the vet fast enough if it wasn't- Blessing #3. I go to wrap up Charlie's foot...darn foot wouldn't stay in those bags no matter how tightly I tied the knot. I didn't want to get blood on the seat of my friend's car but we made it work so that wouldn't happen...thank goodness for rubber floor mats. We get home where I am able to wash off his paw with the hose, drop Anya off at my amazing neighbors house, and head for the vet.

Turns out he broke off two of his wonder it was a huge bleeder! But he didn't need stitches and no broken bones- blessing #4. He is now wrapped up in a bandage and taking it easy, gimping around the house. The dr and I laughed afterwards. She said she felt like a pediatrician! Now I can tell everyone my pooch hurt himself on the playground. Ha! Blessing #5 is that the bill was under $ never know how much those visits will cost! Blessing #6 was that God protected our babies at the park!
Oh gimpy Charlie, no more slides for you!


  1. Oh my, Lisa, that's a crazy story! Glad your dog is okay!!!!

  2. Wowza...thats quite the story girlfriend. Charlie---when will you learn you are a dog not a person you sweet lump of doggitude <3
