October 3 you turned 17months...almost 1 1/2 years old! What a joy you bring to my life. You have fulfilled every desire in me to become who God created me to be. I love being Mommy to you and love spending everyday at home raising you! This past month has been a bit of a roller coaster for our family. We found out you were going to be a big sister, something I have always wanted for you. Then we found out that God had different plans for our family, and wants us to be a family of three for a bit longer. We trust in God for our family extending and know that His plan is perfect! I do believe wholeheartedly that you will be a big sister one day. God is GOOD! He hears our prayers! For now I am loving on you and being completely satisfied and beyond with having you alone as a child!!
Here is what you've been up to lately. You love feeding yourself now, and get mad when we try to help you. You are so messy when you eat, especially yogurt! You are getting a little pickier than you used to be, but we still make you eat whatever I make for dinner. You love foods with a lot of flavor, garlic or BBQ sauce. Cooked carrots gross you out! You love carbs, fruit, yogurt, and corn on the cob. You new favorite bedtime snack is popcorn!
Socially you understand just about everything we say. Daddy and I need to start spelling around you and being more sneaky because you pick up on everything. You know the names of all of your toys...and the names of the Winnie the Pooh characters! You are saying a few words: no, Mommma/ Mom, dadda, bah for ball, neigh neigh for horse, mooo for cow, pup pup, bye bye, "hi", "Anya, and at times you say "Papa" for your Grandfathers, and "book". You communicate mostly by nonverbal and sign language "all done, more, yes, help, poop, please" blows kisses. Lately you started shaking your finger at Charlie when he barks and you say "no, no". Too funny!
Personality wise you are very happy and friendly. You love playing at church and don't cry when we leave you (you went through a 15-16 month slight separation anxiety but that has passed). You are becoming more independent and want to try some things on your own. You love naps and going to bed. You are a wonderful sleeper and napper; still take two naps a day if we are home (one morning and one late afternoon), if we aren't home in the morning you take one midday nap. You are such a monkey and love climbing up on the couch, you've learned how to kick and throw a ball. Sharing is something we need to work on!
Your favorite toys are "Farmer Tad" on the dishwasher, Clifford the rocking dog, kitchen set, Baby doll, Mommy's phone and laptop....:-P I taught you how to change Baby's diaper and you loved pulling out a wipe to wipe her off. You also enjoy giving baby a bottle. You will be such a great big sister one day! I put one letter magnet on the dishwasher because I didn't want it to get lost. You found the letter and put it away in the box that all the other letters go in and then put the box on the shelf in your kitchen set. I couldn't believe you remembered where it belonged because this is a newer toy. Everytime we take off shoes you put them away in your shoe bin in the closet. Sometimes you even walk your dish to the sink (when you sit at kiddie table). Another new thing about you, you love to dance! We went to Scarecrow Fest and you heard the live band playing music and you started dancing. It was so cute to watch a little lady bug dance (you were in your Halloween costume!)
I love you Anya! Happy 17 months!
Love it! She is so darling!