Sunday, November 17, 2013

Little O is 3 months!

Dear Oliver,

I'm ten days late on this post, and I apologize!  You are now a little over 3 months old, and what a blessing these past months have been!  I absolutely adore you.  You are such a cuddle bunny buddy.  Since your big sister is such an active 2 yr old you are mostly carried in the Moby or in the swing/ pack-n-play.  When we first wake up in the morning right before Daddy leaves from work you are so happy. Happy to see your sister, happy to see Mommy, happy to get a diaper change.  You are a little morning person, just like Mommy.

Things you love:
-Warm baths
- Anya's familiar voice and smiling face
- Mommy
-Milk, milk, milk!
-Sleeping in your car seat

I'm guessing you are about 15lbs already!  I measured you at 23 inches, so not much growth lengthwise since two month check-up.  You wear size 3-6, 6 month clothes, very few 0-3, size 2 or 3 diapers.  You are a chubby little fellow!  I love it!

You eat about every 3 hours, last feeding at night around 8:00, and you go until about 3am.  I'm so blessed!!!  You still sleep in our room, or in my arms.  I've totally been babying you, MUCH more than I did with Anya.  It's so much easier to just have you right in our room at night.  But you are growing out of the cradle, so I may transition you to the pack n play in our room.  I plan on putting you in your crib next month sometime, we'll see.

I am so excited to see your little personality grow and change.  You love sitting in the Bumbo and watch what we are doing.  I think I use that much more than I did with Anya.

Last week we dedicated you at church.  Daddy and I are committed to raising you (and Anya) to know Jesus.  We are praying for you daily that you will one day choose to follow Him.  We had a wonderful party afterwards to celebrate you!

I love you so much little one!

Love,  Mommy

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