Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 4

Day 4:  I am thankful to God that I have such a loving, caring, and great relationship with my family.  I feel like that is rare in this day and age.  I have two younger sisters that I absolutely adore, sacrifical parents, and best best in-laws anyone could ever ask for.  My parents and in-laws have set a great example of a committed marriage (both just celebrated 31 years!).  On top of that my extended family is also a huge blessing.  I am grateful I get to talk frequently on the phone with my Grandma, just to catch up.  She is like a second mom to me:-)
My dad, mom, sister Katie, Anya, and Hubby
My in-laws

Katie and me with Grandma

My brother-in-law Tony

My sister Cindy

My sisters and me

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! Even in the love of our family we are alike! This is to much!:) Their is nothing better than family!
